Pigeon Lake land reclamation project
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The assessment stage gathers historical information and identifies areas of potential environmental concern.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
The purpose of the Phase I ESA is to gather historical information through interviews (residents and operators), historical documents, and site reconnaissance.
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
A Phase II ESA further investigates areas of potential environmental concern. Soil and groundwater samples are collected through various methods such as test pitting, bore-hole drilling, and groundwater monitoring.

Remediation is the removal or treatment of impacted materials to the most stringent soil and groundwater criteria. A remedial plan is developed based on the results of the Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessment.

Reclamation is the final step before the site is returned to the community. This includes contouring soils and re-vegetation. There are a variety of options for end land use of a site, they include include forested, cultivated, and grasslands.
Imperial and the Four Nations are working together to determine the end land use of each site. The Four Nations land preference will be recorded in a checklist that incorporates traditional knowledge and identifies infrastructure to remain in place.
Return lease to Nations
Once the land has been restored to the satisfaction of the Four Nations, an application will be submitted to IOGC for final review and approval to release the site back to the community.

Community engagement
Imperial and its Prime Contractor, AECOM, collaborate via quarterly meetings with the Consultation Leads of the Maskwacis Cree Nation to successfully progress the Pigeon Lake Reclamation and Remediation Project (“Project”). The Consultation Leads serve as a voice for the Maskwacis communities and help raise matters that affect both the Project and the communities. When needed, the meetings are also attended by a representative from Indian Oil and Gas Canada (IOGC), who acts as a project advisor on regulatory matters.
The Maskwacis Nation representatives are:
- Neyaskweyahk - Ermineskin Cree Nation: Carol Wildcat
- Kispatinahk - Louis Bull Tribe: Melanie Daniels
- Akamihk - Montana First Nation: Jocelyn Rabbit
- Nipisikohpahk - Samson Cree Nation: Kaylyn Buffalo
These representatives bring pertinent information to their respective communities, Chiefs and Councils. This engagement is also supported by community newsletters and local radio interviews (Hawk Radio), which are organized by AECOM.
As part of these community engagement efforts, Imperial also works with the Maskwacis Cree representatives to identify opportunities to support local sustainable projects such as school programs, cultural training programs, etc.
Community open house
On October 6, 2015, Imperial hosted an open house at the Pigeon Lake Recreation Centre for all community members of Maskwacis Nations to share information and learn more about the project.In 2020, Imperial tried to organize open houses, but due to COVID restrictions, and in order to keep the Maskwacis community safe, we are planning on running virtual events to ensure the community is kept up to date with the progress of the project.
Pigeon Lake elder interviews
Larry Cutarm
Rosie Roan
Larry and Rosie
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