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Contact us directory
Please visit for more information on working with us, and to view and apply to our current employment opportunities. You can also stay up to date on upcoming job opportunities and events that match your interest by joining our Talent Community.
Please also be aware of recruiting scams. Imperial does not use recruiting or placement agencies that charge candidates an advance fee of any kind (e.g., placement fees, immigration processing fees, etc.). For employment opportunities, please apply directly through the Careers link on our official website.
Please use the following contact information if you are one of the following:
- Landowner (surface or mineral)
- Occupant
- Resident
- Trapper
- Third party company
- Municipality
- Developer
- or any additional land stakeholder
Mineral land
Please use the following contact information for queries pertaining to mineral lease or land contracts.
Surface land
Please use the following contact information if you are a surface landowner, occupant, resident, trapper, third party company, municipality, developer or any additional land stakeholder.