Take the path less travelled: explore an accounting & finance career at Imperial

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Take the path less travelled: explore an accounting & finance career at Imperial

As a student or new graduate in accounting & finance, you have a lot of options when starting your career. You could take the path more commonly travelled and join an accounting, audit or tax firm – or you could take the path less travelled and apply for a position at Imperial.

Your path at Imperial will be busy, rewarding, and hopefully long. We hire for an entire career, not just a job. To keep you engaged and interested, we provide a variety of assignments across our accounting & finance organization, such as financial reporting, operations accounting, audit, tax and treasurers; as well as in multiple segments of our business including the upstream, downstream, chemical and corporate.

With us, you won’t have to wait long for a new challenge. All campus graduates in the accounting & finance organization join our New Hire Development Program (NHDP) for the first three years of their career with the company, whereby you receive multiple job rotations, mentorship, participation in a peer network group and learning sessions.

Worried the path less travelled will have you missing some important competencies in the accounting and finance profession, like your CPA? Not to fear, not only are we a CPA Pre-Approved Program provider, but we also provide additional support to make your CPA journey as smooth as possible, including financial support and paid days-off for examinations.

If we have convinced you that this is the path for you, search our job opportunities and apply here. If you are still at a crossroads, check out more information on our programs and hear from some of our accounting and finance employees below.


Hear from our team

Alex Jewell,
Transporation analyst

Mount Royal University

Bachelor of Business Administration – major in accounting, minor in finance & economics

Interesting fact: moved to St. John’s Newfoundland for first NHDP rotation

“Throughout my eight-month work-term with Imperial, I was provided with an abundance of challenging assignments that contributed immensely to my learning, development, and skill set. It was exciting to be relied upon to complete important deliverables and present to management on a monthly basis in a student position. Imperial is truly an organization that contributes to your personal and professional development, while you contribute to the success of the company. I look forward to starting my career in the New Hire Development Program (NHDP) as part of the East Coast team.”


Lianne Delarosbil,
Upstream financial analyst

University of Calgary
Bachelor of Commerce degree – major in accounting

Interesting fact: obtained CPA in 2019 while working at Imperial

“I was attracted to Imperial because of the organization’s commitment to long-term employee development. The opportunities I was presented through the New Hire Development Program (NHDP) allowed me to gain strong skills within the first years of my career.”


Colin Cheng,
Senior financial analyst

University of British Columbia
Bachelor of Commerce degree – majors in accounting and business technology management

Interesting fact: has held positions in our upstream, chemicals, environmental and property solutions, external reporting and treasury organizations

“Imperial continuously rotates me into increasingly challenging assignments in order to develop a breadth of accounting and industry knowledge. I also have the opportunity to interface with senior management and sharpen my teamwork and leadership capabilities. These experiences are at the core of becoming a CPA.”


Rakhi Sehgal,
Internal auditor

University of Alberta
Bachelor of Commerce degree – major in accounting, minor in finance

Interesting fact: has held positions in midstream business analysis, our Strathcona Refinery, upstream financial reporting and internal audit

“My career with the company has provided me with a variety of challenging opportunities. Each role I’ve had has facilitated my growth – either through a focus on enhancing my technical skills, building lasting networks or strengthening my leadership. I am always learning and am excited by the many opportunities that are in store for me at Imperial.”


Danika Yau,
New hire development program coordinator and external reporting manager

University of Calgary
Bachelor of Commerce degree – major in accounting

Interesting fact: had an assignment in Buenos Aires, Argentina

“My career with the company has involved a variety of assignments that have been both interesting and challenging. These experiences have allowed me to broaden my perspective, and I am continuously learning and further developing my skills with every role.”


Bruce Jolly,
assistant controller

L’ Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Montreal
Bachelor of Business Administration

Interesting fact: had multiple assignments in leadership roles in France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Hungary and the United States

“Wanting to have a variety of roles and experiences within one company is what first attracted me to Imperial. Working with high performing people, continuously learning and being challenged throughout my career is what made me stay.

Having the opportunity to work in several countries not only made me grow as a professional but personally as well. I never would have guessed what my career path would be…. and looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing.”

New Hire Development Program (NHDP)

Structured development program

Managed by program coordinators, we offer a high-quality structured development program for new graduates in the accounting and finance organization.


A mentor is assigned to provide additional support through a new graduate’s first few years with the company.

Multiple job rotations

Each campus graduate will rotate through multiple roles while in the program, with opportunities across the accounting and finance function and business segments.

Quarterly learning sessions

Regular learning sessions are held throughout the year on topics related to accounting and finance topics, our key businesses and major operations, and developing individual effectiveness competencies.

Finance function orientation

Orientation for those in the program include learning more about the role we play accounting and finance, financial careers at Imperial and networking opportunities with fellow new graduates and senior leadership.

Peer network group

Opportunities to connect with other accounting and finance new hires across the organization.

Become a CPA at Imperial

We are a CPA Pre-Approved Program Provider in Alberta and Newfoundland and Labrador, with proven success in developing CPAs over the years.

We offer a high quality structured training program for new graduates pursuing their CPA that involves:

  • Multiple job rotations through the New Hire Development Program (NHDP) - CPA candidates are rotated through progressively complex assignments to develop technical accounting and CPA competencies that meet all practical experience requirements
  • Accounting and finance competency training courses and learning sessions
  • Support for any of the four PEP electives
  • CPA mentorship and peer support network
  • CFE results day celebration event
  • Reimbursement of eligible CPA costs and annual CPA dues
  • Support for the CFE exam preparation course
  • Paid days-off for examinations

Pre-approved roles:


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